Privacy Policy
It's pretty simple, really: We never sell your personal information. EVER.
We collect only the information you voluntarily provide via this webiste's contact forms, chat, email, phone or other means. This information may include your name, email address, mailing address, phone number, website URL, time zone, industry, marketing objectives and any other project-related information you choose to share.
We never collect or have access to your banking or credit card information. Since we only use third-party payment services (i.e., Zelle, Paypal and Venmo), your sensitive information is not accessible to us or through us.
Yes, there are cookies on this site, but only those deemed essential for site security, safety, analytics, functionality and performance. These cookies collect more generic, less personally identifiable information such as IP addresses, geolocation, device and browser type, information on how visitors get to the site and how they interact with it (e.g., page views and duration, button clicks, forms submitted, etc.).
The information provided by these cookies is used to prevent fraud, improve the user experience and to better tailor and communicate our offerings to site visitors.
The personal information we collect is used only to communicate with visitors and to deliver the services available through this website. That’s it.
You can request to have your stored personal information deleted at any time by contacting us here.
In the event of future changes to the above, a notice will appear at the bottom of each page of this website.